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Sustainable new pottery clay "Tempaku" achieved a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas (compared to our company)

The "beauty of white porcelain" of the raw material "Amakusa pottery stone" of ARITA WARE porcelain is expressed by the firing method of kneading the glaze into the pottery clay and putting it in the main kiln as it is without glaze.
The surface has a matte white porcelain texture, and since there is no glaze thickness, a sharp shape can be expressed.
By not applying glaze, a small amount of iron, which is the original component of the material, may be released.
This is a naturally occurring impurity, and we hope that you will recognize it as a personality.

● Process

● Features

  • ・素焼きをしない事により温室効果ガス排出量が約50%削減(当社比)
  • ・素焼きをせず釉薬をかける作業を短縮するためコストが約30%削減(当社比)
  • ・マットな白磁の質感でシャープなデザインが可能
  • ・釉薬がかかっていないため素材に含まれる鉄分が表面に現れる

● Supports SDGs 12 "Responsibility to create and use"
By using Tempaku

  • ・生産体制の省力化を促進し生産コストと生産に係る二酸化炭素排出量を削減
  • ・お客様には鉄粉を許容していただくことで不良での廃棄を削減

By doing so, we will realize a sustainable production and consumption form.
● Patent pending in collaboration with Shioda Todo Co., Ltd.



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Founded in 1804, “Arita Porcelain Lab” is the modern brand name of the Yazaemon Kiln, which was established over 200 years ago.
It is one of Arita’s oldest and largest-scale operating kilns.
Our luxury and modern style of Arita porcelain pieces are created​ ​
one by one by handwork of skilled artisants,
taking advantage of the unique and techniques inherited in tradition of Yazaemon kiln, which evolved through countless trials.