Product Information
A sustainable contemporary design with an aesthetic sense of wabi and sabi. "apl" is a new material brand from ARITA PORCELAIN LAB that brings warmth and sophistication to everyday life, being kind to both nature and yourself.
"Tenpaku", a new material for the future born from 200 years of technical study at ARITA WARE. It is a new material of ARITA WARE that is friendly to the environment. Firing time is shortened by original material development. Reduces carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 50%. Reduce costs by approximately 30%. ARITA PORCELAIN LAB uses these materials to sustainably express Japanese aesthetics. ARITA WARE porcelain “apl” was born as a reinterpretation of wabi and sabi.
Enjoy a rich time with ARITA WARE
apl is ARITA WARE that brings minimal and rich time to your life. The stance of manufacturing with no excess or deficiency from the product process was born from the desire to deliver the essence in this era where things are overflowing. It is important to spend our days thinking about the harmony between ourselves and those around us, with a long-lasting appreciation for environmentally friendly materials and things.
Traditional technology and contemporary design
創業1804年、200年以上にわたる老舗の歴史と知見を生かし、アリタポーセリンラボから誕生しました。 受け継がれてきた伝統技術をコンテンポラリーなデザインに昇華することで生まれる静かな上質。 自然を感じ、心豊かな時間を届けます。飽きのこないシンプルなデザインは、日本の美意識である「侘び・寂び」を再解釈して生まれました。日々の生活空間に静かな上質をもたらします。
Eco-friendly new pottery clay "Tenpaku"
By kneading the glaze into the porcelain clay without unglazing and putting it into the main kiln as it is without glaze, we have expressed the "beauty of white porcelain" that the material itself of "Amakusa pottery stone", which is the raw material of ARITA WARE porcelain. .
In addition, the streamlining of the two processes reduces greenhouse gas emissions and cuts costs. We hope that more people will be able to enjoy ARITA WARE by holding down the product price.
The surface has a matte texture and is beautifully translucent. Because the glaze is kneaded into it, it is thin and has a sharp shape. In addition, by not applying glaze, a small amount of "iron", which is a component contained in the clay, may come out. This is the original material, and we hope you can enjoy it as a taste of Tenpaku products.
素焼と釉薬を掛ける作業をしない事により、生産工程を省力化。二酸化炭素の排出量が約50%削減。(当社比) 生産コストを約30%削減。(当社比)
Due to the characteristics of the product process, a small amount of the original ingredient "iron" may come out. Please enjoy it as a taste of the product.
The thinness unique to porcelain is pleasing to the palate, and the sharp design is clear. Even though it is matte, the light is transparent (translucent) texture that highlights the beauty of the white porcelain, and there is an atmosphere just by placing it.
SDGs 12 “Responsible consumption and production”
By using Tenpaku, we will reduce carbon dioxide emissions and promote labor saving in the production system. By allowing customers to taste and enjoy the iron powder, we will reduce the waste of defective products and realize a sustainable form of production and consumption.
The environment-friendly new material "Tenpaku" reduces the baking time and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. It is also a potter's clay that pursues the "beauty of white porcelain" as a material itself. The attitude of minimal manufacturing that is particular about the product process was born from the desire to deliver the essence in an era where things are overflowing.
Minimal processes that eliminate waste and timeless designs will stay close to our lives for a long time. We believe that this is what APL thinks of as "minimal and high-quality living" that reflects the aesthetic sense of "wabi-sabi". APL, who wants to be kind to nature and people, will deliver a rich time.
Planned price
・Rice bowl Φ116×H70㎜ ¥1,200 (excluding tax)
・ mug cup Φ122 x 89 x h93 mm 1,800 yen (excluding tax)
・plate S Φ150×h18mm 1,200 yen (excluding tax)
・plate M Φ180×h22mm 2,000 yen (excluding tax)
・plate L Φ220×h25mm ¥2,500 (excluding tax)
・cutlery rest 112×18×18㎜ ¥800 (excluding tax)
・vace S Φ50×h150mm 2,500 yen (excluding tax)
・vace L Φ90×h202mm 4,000 yen (excluding tax)
Aセット 27,500円税込→20,000円税込 限定20セット
皿大2 皿中2 皿小2 飯碗2 マグカップ2
カトラリーレスト2 花器大1 花器小1
Bセット 12,650円税込→10,000円税込 限定30セット
皿大1 皿中1 皿小1 飯碗1 マグカップ1
カトラリーレスト1 花器小1
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Founded in 1804, “Arita Porcelain Lab” is the modern brand name of the Yazaemon Kiln, which was established over 200 years ago.
It is one of Arita’s oldest and largest-scale operating kilns.
Our luxury and modern style of Arita porcelain pieces are created
one by one by handwork of skilled artisants,
taking advantage of the unique and techniques inherited in tradition of Yazaemon kiln, which evolved through countless trials.